Sunday, August 13, 2006

Garfield 2-A tale of two kitties

Went to watch Garfield 2 with my mother,sister and cousin this afternoon.At first,I was not willing to go but after a while I decided to go because I rather to go and watch movie in the cinema than stay at home chatting with nobody and doing nothing.
So,at first it was kinda boring but the funny part is really funny.So,RM8.00 is worth for it.Haha.He is dumbe anyway.The story is about the real Garfield and the Prince have been mistaken by their owner.One is a ruler and another is a lazy cat,so obviously they are a big deference between it.Well,I like the movie because it talks more about animals and I hate the character,Lord Dogus.He is the nephew of the past away queen.The queen left her everthing including a big Castle for the Prince.That is why Lord Dogus wanted to kill the Prince which is Garfield that been mistaken and took back by his slave.Imagine how stupid Lord Dugos are.A few farm animal can manage to make fool of him and escape from death.He is a dumb man.

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