Monday, September 11, 2006

Too Little Time

Today,11st of September 2006.I think it is quite an unlucky day for me.

  1. Scold by teacher because of spikey hairstyle.(but who cares,just say oh,oh,oh la)
  2. Look blank in mind when I saw *him*,which make me look like an idiot.I think...
  3. Those so-not-gentleman guys pushing her and there when going up the stairs.Why guys in my school have be so-not-gentleman?
  4. It rained so suddenly and it is a thunder storm.No electricity for the whole day because of the thunder stroke the main electricity switch and made it no electricity.*think so,usually it does right?*
  5. *scratchin my head*...I don't know what to buy for auntie Cindy's birthday.It's on Wednesday!Which mean I only got the time of 1 and a half day.*sigh*
Think nothing bad or unlucky will happen AGAIN.But can I request for a Sweet Dream?=)

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